In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data, Gruindag Group represents: GRUINDAG INTERNATIONAL S.A. DE C.V., GRUINDAG FOOD SOLUTIONS S.A. DE C.V., AGROVANGUARDIA S.A. DE C.V., FITOTECNOLOGÍAS S.A. DE C.V., JATU, GREENSOIL S.A DE C.V., be a company legally constituted in accordance with Mexican laws domiciled in Carretera Culiacán El Dorado Sur 10994, San Rafael de Costa Rica, Culiacan, Sinaloa; and as responsible for the processing of your personal data, you acknowledge that the information of our clients is treated confidentially so that when you provide your personal data such as:
- Full name
- Adress
- R.F.C.
- Office, home and mobile phone
These will be used only for the purposes that the procedure so warrants, such as the provision of services, databases, invoices, or any other purpose analogous or compatible to those already mentioned.
In the case of sensitive or personal data of a private nature such as:
- Financial Data (income, statements of account and other related)
- Property Data (tangible, personal and real property)
- Personal information
- Family and non-family references
These will be used only and exclusively for the following purposes:
- Research before Credit Bureau
- Obtaining credit before our company
- Any analogous or compatible purpose with the previous ones
To prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and in order to ensure the same we have security locks and procedures, this in order to prevent misuse and disclosure of your data, allowing us to give them the use for which they are required.
Likewise, we inform you that the data is not transmitted to people other than this company only when it is analogous to the procedure that is being given to them.
All data are treated in accordance with the applicable laws and urgent in the country, so you have the right to access, cancel or oppose the treatment we give your data, which can be asserted by contacting us at the phone: (667) 760 5400 and by email:, as well as update data and specify the means by which you can receive your information.
This Privacy Notice may be modified by Grupo Gruindag when required, informing the client through the communication channel imposed by it.
Gruindag Group